recent observations


    Ah, July 2008. The time of the Stay-cation.

    Like the rest of the country, we're not going anywhere for our time off. Luckily we live in vactionland and there's lots here to keep us busy.

    B is taking the same amount of time off that I am.

    We have an agreement of 2 days doing whatever each of us wants to do, seperately. Then we can hang out together for the rest of the week. Otherwise we'd kill each other. Don't be horrified, we just like to keep it real.

    So for the next two days, I'm hanging out at the house, taking a bit of a weekend and keeping to myself. So far, it's 2pm and I'm still in bed, watching TV and surfing the internet.


    We've both made lists of stuff to get done this week, but I'm not gonna sweat it. I just need to rest and relax and have a good time. Which no matter what's on the aforementioned list, I fully plan on doing.

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