recent observations


    The title pretty much says it all. Since the last post, life and work has zoomed by. I'm 29 now.

    Too much has happened to sum it all up in a paragraph, but it's been good, and it's been bad. Mostly it's just been.

    I'm still trying to hold everything together, and there are times when I accomplish that better than others. Work has been CRAZY and exhausting, and even fun sometimes and it's starting to be rewarding in ways I could never imagine. Next week is my first anniversary, and there were times (even very recently) that I wasn't sure I would make a year. I wish I could share with you all what I've been working on, because I'm hella proud of what we've done.

    Life at home has been good and bad and exhausting, much like work. I try more and more each weekend to make it more of a refuge and take the time to just relax and let life be, but sometimes it's just too hard to keep it all together. It's getting better, and since I live with my two best friends it's always a laugh. Well, almost always. Sometimes it's just smelly. (B, I'm looking at you. With love, but still, I'm looking at you.)

    Anywayse, I've got a couple of WIFW's lined up and ready to go. Hell, I may even post them one day. (I wouldn't hold my breath, though.) My motto has been lately, "When life gives you really annoying and aggravating lemons, go shopping". And I've been finding some really cool stuff that I know you guys will get a kick out of.

    I miss everybody, and wish we could see each other more often. And hey, thanks for all the birthday wishes! I had forgot it was coming up until B asked what I wanted to do. So thanks for the email reminders, phone calls and gifts! (and PS - I got a new email addy so I can check in on my lunch minute hour. Just click on the link to the right...)

    Keep a look-out for a new Audiophilia playlist, and some new WIFW posts.

    Peace, Love, and Hair Grease! I love you all!!!


    Brian said...

    I best go jump in the shower before Francine Fishpaw has to break out the spray.

    pollyhyper said...

    Happy Belated Birthday Sweets!
    And wow, I could have written those first few paragraphs myself! We're leading parallel lives!
    What's a WIFW? I know I'm gonna feel stupid for asking.

    Mel said...

    OMG! So good to hear from a Digster! I hope all is well in your world, and Digsworld!

    Anyway, WIFW stands for "What I'm Feelin' Wednesday", the archives of which you can find to the right on this page under LAST WEDNESDAY. Bascially what I happen to be loving at any given moment, all in easy blog format.

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