A birthday gift to myself, God bless the $3 bin at the grocery store!
THANK YOU to all the well-wishers who called and sent gifts. I love you all! Thanks for remembering me!
We had a great weekend. We drove around a lot, and we ate a lot. A lot. A lot, a lot. B has a trucker tan on his right arm, and I on my left. But I'm not complainin'.
Friday, we had to run some errands and such, and I decided then to document the weekend in food. (Why you ask? Why not?) I'm glad I had the camera with me, 'cause Friday turned out to be the day of HUGE.
Exhibit A...a giant bottle of Whey Protein at BJ's Warehouse store:

What the hell is this stuff for, anyway?
Exhibit B...a remote with ginormous buttons at Brookstone:

No glasses required...
Exhibit C...a ridiculously sized lighter in the shape of a match, also at Brookstone:

Fire INDEED hot!
While we were at Brookstone, B discovered the magic of the massaging chair. The $4500 massaging chair. He actually sat in it for almost 20 minutes. Then, when we came across another Brookstone, and he did another 15 minute stint there. He's in love...sweet massaging chair love.
and finally, Exhibit D...a disgustingly huge (and way overpriced) chicken lo mein at Mama Fu's:

Tasty, but I left $5 worth of it on the table 'cause I couldn't finish it
Mama Fu's is like the asian version of Moe's. We'd never been before. Not spectacular tasting, way overpriced, with 'funky' paintings on the walls and that oh, so nostalgic 80's music playing on the sound system. In a word: disappointing. Oh, well.
So we went home and make something much, much tastier:

Actually, roasted red pepper hummus and warm pita. Not just beer. I get mad cravings for 'Boma' at the Animal Kingdom Lodge at Disney on occasion, and we've finally discovered a meal that satisfies that without all the trouble of a 35 minute drive and a $50 tab. We just make it at home, now. It makes the house smell delicious, too. Always a plus. Chicken and Apricot Tagine over couscous:

It doesn't look too pretty, but it sure tastes good. Mmmmmm.
Then I stayed up and watched Frontier House on PBS while B farted around on the internets. Just your basic Friday night at the ole' Sapidity Ranch.
And then, my natal day...
Another treat, croissants:

Holy crap, they smell just as good as they look...
I love weekend breakfasts. Fresh coffee, the paper, something yummy to eat. Delicious.
Then I opened a gift:

Thank you for the hat Stac! Er, I mean the book and movie! Yeah, thanks for the book and movie!
We had planned on checking out a little neighborhood festival of sorts but we did a drive by, and it was more for the under 5 crowd, not the after 5 crowd. No big.
Really all I wanted to do was get a hot dog. So we decided to go straight to the source instead:

God's love shines down upon the hot dogs...
And they're good, too:

Man I want another one just looking at this picture
I love this place. Love, love, love it. It's kinda in a weird location, but SO WORTH THE DRIVE. I mean, YUM! And everything we ordered came to a slim, trim, $10.41. I mean, Hello! How can you beat that? Seriously?!?!
And they have really good cheese-y fries:

Mmmm. Cheese. Fries. Cheesefries...
Not to mention a GIANT hot dog on the back of a pick-up truck:

It's name is "Big Frank". Priceless.
Then we drove around some more, went to check out the new stores at Downtown Disney, drove around some more, oops! had to run the toll booth on the Beachline since we didn't have 50¢ in change, and then drove around a little more. Then, home. Besides, I had caught a bit of a sinus infection-type thing from all the pollen, so I wanted to get back to the air controlled house.
B entertained me as I blew my nose:

Thanks for the new tunes, sis!
Then, I was hungry again. Big surprise. Behold, the antipasto:

This meal made possible by a generous donation by the T n' D foundation... (thanks guys!)
There are no words. Except maybe yum. It's really been too long since we had this. JUST TOO DAMN LONG! And so freakin' good. I love making this meal, 'cause it lets me use all the little dishes and bowls I've accumulated. And it tastes amazing. We finally discovered how to make the roasted red pepper bread dip from Il Pasticcio in Savannah. We used the leftover sauce from the lasagna rolls and just added heavy cream, another roasted pepper and some salt. Gahhhhhhh......so good. With a good bottle of Chianti, there's nothing better.
Except maybe mini cream puffs with a dark chocolate sauce:
Yes we ate all of them in one sitting. I have no shame.
I'm not a big cake person. (I have room in my heart for only one cake.) In fact, I usually have birthday pie (key lime) instead of birthday cake. But this year, on account of getting a free sample at BJ's the day before, we went with the cream puffs. And some melted 70% dark chocolate that I had in the pantry. And the rest of the Chianti.
Then we waddled off to bed.
Unfortunately, B had to work the next morning. So I made Easter breakfast for myself:

Actually this is what I have every Sunday morning...
The rest of the weekend was leftovers. Which ends our "Weekend in Food". Hope you enjoyed it and thanks again for all the birthday wishes!
We've got some fun stuff going down tomorrow for the restaurant, then the guys will be here this weekend to look at houses (YEA!!!), and then, Sidewalk Arts. Foofty!
have mercy i feel stuffed looking at it all. hahahah how can you get anything done with brian doing those exotic dances all the time!
How do I get anything done doing all those exotic dances?
Glad ta hear you had a good time for your burffday!
Nice bag-hat and my GOD I think I gained another 30 pounds looking at all that got-damn goooood fooooood!
One mo' thing: that was a big damn matchstick that went there!
speaking of big damn things... I have two of those ginormous whey protein things on the top of my fridge along with other various supplements (read natural steroids)
Only thing I can figure, is it makes you have big muscles... or something... I'm not trying it, cause it doesn't dissolve in water. eww.
Well, at least I learned something new today.
ummm say what!
If you had made 900 last month wiping your ass I would think about joining. I would be qualified.
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