I HATE this photo, but it's all I got before the batteries on the camera died...
I need to buy a mannequin if I'm going to continue to make clothing. Suncoast had one that would of been perfect, if not for the fact that they wanted $50 for it. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?! FIFTY BUCKS?

The embroidery turned out suprisingly well for being just an outline. The key was getting the backing really ironed on to the tank, then getting it stretched REALLY tightly over the embroidery hoop.
I like it alot.
that's quite the picture there studly, it's like the power of the wall is trapping your model body to it the way your arms are back like that.
or else your a secret agent, and we can't see that there is a gun in your hand about to shoot the bad guys when you throw open that door to your right... lol...
i love you
dude, i love that tank top!!! LOVE IT!!!
oooh ahhhh how verrrry ra-sha-shaaaa... im so glad this phrase has made it's way into the consciousness of america with this tank... lookin good!
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