Top, L to R: I love this font, and it is everywhere; lemonade - I'd like a glass of the really good one at Bahama Breeze, the one that comes with suger cane; vintage belt buckles found on etsy - I just like the eclectic quality of them, they're so beautiful
Row 2, L to R: double horseshoe necklace from Urban Outfitters - they're upside down, but I still like the chain; birch tree painting by by birdinthehand - I loves me some faux bois; eyelet mini-jacket with beaded lapel by Y and Kei - OMIGOD this is so yummy I could eat it
Row 3, L to R: portion of 'Night School 2003' by Stanford Kay; painted chairs by chair couture by Margaret Ellman - love the color combo; 'Autumn' season tea towel at quelobjet.com
Row 4, L to R: double breasted jacket with balloon sleeves at Topshop - it's such a good thing that this store is in London and not here; Brighton Pouf Boutonniere at rosylittlethings.com; gathered pattern halter dress from Forever 21
Row 5, L to R: terra cotta stamp pendant by bibbidibaubles.etsy.com - I love terra cotta, but never thought to wear it; battenburg lace tee - so spring and lovely; forsythia tote bay by mamadelic.etsy.com
Row 6, L to R: Patterson bench by Silho Furniture - LOVE how skewed it is, yet still incredibly graceful; Cow tea towel from quelobjet.com; Spectrum paper lamp from chiasso.com - this color scheme is crazy, but crazy good, not crazy insane (wait...crazy insane is good, too...)
Enjoy. Two years from now, when I'm bored and looking back at old posts, I certainly will.
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