So this will be the last new one I'm gonna do for a little while. I'm feeling a little discouraged about the whole online store thing. I'm going to finish up the pieces I have planned, then I'm not going to buy any more supplies.
I really, really like doing them, but I'd like to actually see something monetarily out of this whole deal. I've re-invested all the money I've made back into new projects, which is what you're supposed to do, right? I don't know, I guess I'm just greedy. I lowered my prices so I make about $8 a piece. Is that worth the effort involved? Argh.
And I thought that 1500 hits was a big deal, until I looked around and saw that alot of people have 10000, 25000, 40000 hits. So that's that.
That all being said, I'm toying with the idea of doing some flyers to hang up around the area. Simple, black and white. Eye-catching.
I don't know. All this past week I've been thinking, "What am I doing wrong?". I'd like a little bit of success somewhere in my life again. I'm SOOOOOOO having a "every-ting I touch turns to ca-ca" period.
PS: I'm so not on her level, but Posie is much more eloquent on this subject than I am.
As my psychiatrist Dr. Mimi said... Repeat after me...
I also say YOU CAN DO IT!
You are totally reading my mind.
Been thinking about what you've written alot lately.
That Posie Blog post was really insightful too.
It sure is hard as hell to make a living being creative.
Lemme hear an AMEN!
hahah i haven't read this yes but i had to see what bela karoli had to say ahhah!
if you do little flyers you should totally put them on those bulletin boards at yuppie joints liek starbucks and panera!
i know whatcha mean girl, i've sold slim to bupkiss on my online store, never sold anything when it was up on etsy, and i don't think any of the paintings i've gotten up in an actual store yet have moved, either. GEEEEEYARRRRRGH!!! but keep on keepin' on, i think is the way to go. something will come of it.
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