So I just got B all settled in his hotel, which was conveniently located exactly 1.7 miles from our house. (It takes one right turn to get there...)
I'm single until Friday afternoon.
Which is so weird to me. I've never lived alone before. Ever. I have to say, it's nice. No one to worry about when they're coming home, and I can go to bed whenever I get sleepy. (I have a thing about waiting till B gets home to go to bed. Not to sleep, just to bed.) Also, NO SNORING! Yippieeeee!!!
I dropped him off and then went to the fabric store just to look around. I had all the time in the world to sit down and look at patterns, go play with the trims, drool over the new fabrics. Then I went to Tarjay and tried on clothes I had no intention of buying. Why not? It's not like I have to be home at a certain time, or that B has to go to work and needs the car! Holy crap this is awesome! I can listen to what I want on the radio, make what I want for dinner, watch what I want on TV. If I feel the need to go to the store I can, anytime of day or night! Huzzah! I have to go to the post office? Okay, just get in the car and go! No delegation involved, no hoping and praying that something will get done! I can just do it!
It's nice to have no obligations. The God's are smiling down on me, 'cause the new Vogue came in the mail. Yay! No distractions! No disparaging remarks about a magazine that is 3/4 ads!
Of course, come Thursday night, I'll be desperate for a hug and snuggle. And I'll need someone to take care of and worry about. To wait impatiently for them to come home 'cause I miss them.
But tomorrow will be great.
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So don't be a punk-ass and steal my stuff. Simply ask me.
Why is Brian staying in a hotel a block from your house? Weirdos
They want him to get 'the true experience' from his little conference. So he is staying in the hotel. No big, the company is paying for it.
I'm just too much of a distraction...
Actually Mel kicked me out. You see after the things she just described... you see her real master plan. Get me out of the house and she can run amuck.
By the way honey, I took the garbage out the other day before I left.
See you on Friday! ;)
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