I'm not a person who has caffeine on a regular basis anymore.
When I was in High School, I had an iced frappuccino (from a bottle) every day during first period, drank cherry coke on a regular basis, and the northwest being what it was in the 90's, a lovely cappuccino on occasion.
When I got to college, I dropped the coffee for tea, limited my soda (or pop, depending on what half of the country I was in at the time) intake to oh, like 3 a day, and was regularly enticed by the siren song of the raspberry latte at the old (better) Gallerie Espresso.
Then I realized that my debilitating insomnia was probably affected by all the caffeine I was ingesting and I basically dropped it cold turkey, except on special occasions. Occasions such as that certain day a month when all I want is fried chicken and chemicals dipped in chocolate with a corn syrup chaser, or times when a cappachino with my dessert sounds like the perfect thing after a meal out. Which is rare. I do enjoy a cafe au lait (half coffee, half milk) sometimes for breakfast, but I generally stick with my pot of tea. I certainly don't drink coffee after 4 in the afternoon.
So when B told me the other day, that when he used the new coffee grinder for a pot of (french press) coffee one morning and it turned out a little weak, I decided to try my hand at it. I made a cup for myself, and drank it without milk. I thought it was a little weak, too.
Then, on Sunday morning when I would normally have a pot (3 cups) of tea while reading the paper and watching design shows, I made coffee instead. Since it had been so weak up until this point, I really went for it. I'm not really sure how many scoops it ended up being, but I couldn't actually press the stopper all the way to the bottom of the carafe. It was like 3 inches from the bottom. That's how many grounds were in this pot of coffee.
It tasted good. Really good. Like, coffee house good. Stardust good.
I don't really remember how it happened, but I drank the whole freaking pot of coffee. I think I was just going with it, and since I have my Sunday morning routine based around 3.5 cups of tea, I just drank until I reached that point.
90 minutes later, my hands started to shake. I was embroidering at the time, and I couldn't figure out why I couldn't hit my mark. GOD it was PISSING ME OFF. I put the piece down, and stretched out my arm. My whole arm was shaking. My head felt kinda funny, and boy was this TV show getting boring.
I realized that I had better things to do than embroidery forgodsakes. I needed to eat. Pizza sounded good. Yeah, pizza. Find the rolling pin, the dough is a little hard oh did I turn on the oven okay oven on OOH! a salad sounds good why didn't I do these dishes last night I can barely get to the sink oh crap I forgot to do B's laundry I better sort that oh did I remember to email her back I bettergo checkthatismypizza doneyetI'mreallyhungry. Okay I feel a little better since I ate something. God, I should go the gym or something maybe I'll go for a run or just do some cartwheelswouldIbreakthetable ifIfellintoitwhyamiskipping downthehallwaytothe officeI'mthirstythrirstythirsty. WHOO-HOOOO!
I took a nap about 3 hours later, my mind and body exausted from what I can only describe as an out of body experience.
I feel it's the closest I'll ever come to experiencing the effects of being on crack. And I just now had a craving for a cup of coffee...
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So don't be a punk-ass and steal my stuff. Simply ask me.
See, I'm afraid of those energy drinks. Completely afraid...
Can we talk Mountain Dew?
Since you have been mentioning strong caffeine drinks, lemme throw in this one.
Ya know, when younger, I could take many cans or bottles of this stuff.
Drinking one now makes me feel like I can jump out of a 12 story window, land on my feet, go rob a bank, eat the roaches crawling on my skin, AND make it home in time for a dinner of live snakes and roofing nails.
It's like X in a bottle.
I'm on my last two bottles...
lol... I laugh at you. And it's fantastic. WE girls can't do caffeine. Why is it here is the Sea-town, people look at me like my face is melting when I tell them I don't do caffiene. Weirdos
I wondered how that would go over there. I mean hello, birthplace of Starbucks and shit.
maybe i AM addicted to caffeine then.. thanks mel for pointing out that i have a problem
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