recent observations


    Random Thought No. 1: Why does Office Max sell drafting supplies? Not that I'm complaining or anything, as I finally found a roll of trash paper for my embroidery patterns, but still, why Office Max?

    Random Thought No. 2: I sold 4 pieces at Small Works. Just enough to cover all my materials and shipping costs since I started this whole thing. 'Spectacles' went, which bums me out 'cause it was really my favorite.

    Random Thought No. 3: Today's high 76°F. Low of 60°F. Tomorrow's high 56°F. Low of 38°F. Whaa?

    Random Thought No. 4: Is it worth it to submit to another SCAD show?

    Random Thought No. 5: Holy crap it's expensive to ship things through the post office! Damn!

    Random Thought No. 6: Brownies are good. I like it when they get a little crusty around the edges and the chocolate taste intensifies. Yum.

    Random Thought No. 7: Man, you cut one red onion for a salad for lunch, and then you have to spend the whole day smelling like a Sweet Tomatoes. The salad wasn't even that good.

    Random Thought No. 8: According to the US Goverment and their stupid BodyMassIndex chart I am overweight. All I have to say is: suck it. Which I could say if my mouth wasn't full of brownie...


    Brian said...

    SUCK IT!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! You so crazy girrrrl!

    Trav said...

    Awesome you sold some of your stuff at the SCAD show-GO GIRL!

    Steph Calvert said...

    i say it's good for your soul, too! glad you sold some stuff!

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