recent observations


    Yesterday at this time I had only a job. Today I have not only a job, but a car of my very own:

    Her right side...

    and from the left...

    Now we have a fleet!

    She's a 2005 Hyundai Elandra GT hatchback, black (obviously) with grey leather interior and a sun/moon roof. Choice. We paid exactly what we paid for the other one, but this one has 10000 miles on her. 50,000 mile / 6 year warranty. We paid about 1800 dollars under Blue Book, too. B had a good time 'talking the guy down' from the ridiculous price that they told us first. Not too shabby. And boy was one of the salesmen swarmy. Ew.

    Her first CD was the Hotel Costes No. 7. No name yet. B suggested Betty. That's what I'm leaning towards so far. Suggestions? Yeah. I'm goin' with Betty.

    I heart her.


    Trav said...

    Vroom! Vroom!
    Verrrrry nice!!
    I likey!

    Captain Awesome said...

    Okay. I am soo proud of you.

    I heart you. Even if you don't answer your phone.

    swirlogirl said...

    damn somebody is moving up in the world!

    Trav said...

    Hey Betty!
    Gimme a swirl anna twirl!

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