I've got pots of herbs out by the front door, and since I've actually remembered to water them, they've been growing. Funny how that works. I put them in from seed the first week of January, and now I've got fresh food growing before my very eyes.

No, it's not diseased, it's supposed to look like that.
I'm experimenting with purple basil this year, and it's not doing as well as I'd like and I only got one little cutting so far.

Fresh from the earth
The thyme is going like gangbusters, it must like all the sun it gets out front. I only wish is wasn't so hot or I'd roast some potatoes in a little olive oil and thyme. Mmmmmm, maybe it's not too hot...

Some of the thyme is purple on the underside. So pretty.
But as per usual, I got hungry. So I made some caprese sandwiches with the basil, some leftover baguette from last night, a few slices of a plum tomato that was getting a little too ripe and a few slices of whole milk mozzerella.

Roughly translated, 'Caprese' means 'FREAKIN TASTY' in Italian.
Boy was it ever good. Like summertime on a plate. Or springtime, I guess. Yum. Super yum. Yum, Yum, Yum.

See? Yum.
ah gahd it all looks delicious!!!
steph made pesto once with her window herb garden in oshkosh. hahah it rocked. she sure knows how to chop some shit up! p.s. these pics are delicious
I know.
Damn, I'm hungry.
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