recent observations


    This is what I always go back to. Red and blue, graphic shapes, intricate details, weathered finishes, floral patterns. It's my chicken soup of style. I guess my worries in life are leading me back to comfort. I kinda started these to figure out my own personal style, because it's easy for me to pick/ design something for somebody else, but I had a hard time figuring out me. I'm in a better place stylistically now, so this will probably be the last one I do for awhile. Or at least till I find some more cool stuff to gush about.

    Top, L to R: Ginza pillows from Pier One - man, do they have alot of cool new stuff right now, and I love the scooter on the front pillow; the oranges this season have been SO tasty, I've been having them as dessert after dinner; Antique Rose bracelet from Liz Claiborne - I can't believe these are from Liz Claiborne, I really, really, really love this bracelet, just so gorgeous and vintagy, and only like $20 (which would rock my world if I had $20)
    Row 2, L to R: round teak table by Baik Designs - the finish on this table is delish; Motif Linen in Rouge at - never mind the fact that I love the word and the color rouge, I love the little folksy pattern on this fabric; I've been drinking a ton of italian cream sodas of the almond variety, which are totally yummy
    Row 3, L to R: Vintage metal enamel brooch from; Gothic Mansion Tote by - reminds me of a house in an old coloring book I had; bottle cap coasters at - I've been wanting to make some wall letters with some bottle caps but have been having a problem with my supplier...
    Row 4, L to R: Retrolight Horse Pin at - want to make this into an embroidery pattern; Skye standard pendant by - love the pattern on it; twig taper candles - ah, faux bois
    Row 5, L to R: antipasto, antipasto, antipasto - I long for it, but can't afford the good stuff right now, so we're gonna wait; Floral cutout swag necklace from Arden B - again love the asymetry; Roses are Blue dishware from - good color, love the silhouette graphics
    Row 6, L to R: Hako heels from Anthropologie - love, love, LOVE these heels, so flirty and gorgeous; Napali vase from - this vase is beautiful, but it also reminds me of the way the frosting looked on our wedding cake, and anything that reminds me of cake is a good thing in my book; Regatta dress at Anthropologie - the stripes are gorgeous, it just looks fun and summery, love it

    Enjoy. Two years from now, when I'm bored and looking back at old posts, I certainly will.

    1 comment:

    swirlogirl said...

    i like that horse. hot tamale!

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