This week, there's a vaguely far east thread running through what I'm feelin'. I guess I'm just looking for something serene...

Top, L to R: Damask velvet pillow from - so deliciously luxurious; Jonathan Adler ceramic birds from - they're so cute and attentive looking; ruched kimono top from Forever 21 - love the color, and the wide neckline would make my butt look smaller...
Row 2, L to R: Lace top from Old Navy - B would be happy to hear that the color name is "Pearl Cream", this top is so Deadwood-esqe, perfect for Trixie; Daily Fortune (money edition) from - I could certainly use some guidance right now; Screen-printed ties by Tymbal Art Company at - I think I'd hang them on the wall before I'd convince someone to wear them
Row 3, L to R: Pharos opaque pendants from - these are simply gorgeous, I love the dusky colors; 1920's ring from Forever 21 - I'm not exactly sure what about this is reminiscent of the 20's, but I'll go with it and I love the oval shape; 'Zilia' heels by BCBGirls at - these shoes are just looking for a party
Row 4, L to R: wool cuff by Karen Mulloy at - I will happily steal this idea to use up all of the felt that I seem to have accumulated...; vintage Elephant necklace at - he just seems like a happy little pachyderm and I love the chunckiness/ delicateness of the chain; handknit green chain scarf/ belt at - I cannot believe that someone has the ability (or the patience) to HANDKNIT an actual linked chain, it's just too gorgeous and yummy
Row 5, L to R: vanilla tea from - I love it not so much for the tea, but the tin and I'm SO being influences by Expedition: Everest here; Mobius table at design within reach ( - I just want to run my hands over the curves of the wooden base, and hey, it's wood grain which is always lovely; beer - 'cause it's getting warmer outside and a beer just sounds really good right now
Row 6, L to R: lace chairs from - what are they gonna come up with next? - not sure exactly how these are made but they are just yummy and I love the colors; Orkide plan pot from IKEA - Dear Ikea: You a store closer to me and I'll think about letting you not suck; mussels - why do I always crave them when they're not in season for chrissakes? - but I do
Enjoy. Two years from now, when I'm bored and looking back at old posts, I certainly will.
Mom got her embroidered art piece in the mail today and LUUUUUUUVED it!
She wants to know the addy for your etsy store.
She said people at work would DIE over some of the stuff.
I will email her Monday while at work so she can show everyone.
No guarantees on sales, but, sounds really DAMN PROMISING!
An office full of dirty macawa in search of real art!
Get rrrready to rrrrumble!
oh and melmel.. i was at the super walmart yesterday and couldn't resist buying this little bentwood table by noboundaries.. they have some cool contemporary style knockoff furniture by that brand. if you havent seen it... you might be interested.. i think it would be cute in your little studio space. if you have the room of course. neat chairs and stufff on the cheap
Oh, god I know. I don't let myself venture into the furniture section over there anymore. I actually carried a little wood footstool/table thing around the store for like 45 minutes before I convinced myself that eating dinner this week would be better than another piece of furniture. Albeit a lovely little piece. I still go visit it to see if it's still there, though...
Trav, glad your Mama liked it!!! I'm taking your idea to heart, too and I'm going to re-shoot some pics of the art to add to the store. Here's hopin'!
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